FULLNAT: A new packet forwarding model as DR/NAT/TUNNEL;
The main principle: introduce local ip address (IDC internal ip address, lip), translate cip-vip to lip-rip, lip and rip both are IDC internal ip address, so LVS-RS can be inter-vlan communication, and RS only need access to internal network.
SYNPROXY: synflood attack defence module
The main principle: based on tcp syncookies, refer to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SYN_cookies;
The first FULLNAT and SYNPROXY modules were added to IPVS in Linux kernel 2.6.9 by WenLi,YanTian,JianChen,YangYi,YaoguangSun,FangHan,Yingliu and JiamingWu. Now, the second FULLNAT and SYNPROXY modules were added in Linux kernel 2.6.32 by JianChen,JiamingWu and WensongZhang;
The new FULLNAT+SYNPROXY support was add to keepalived/ipvsadm by JiajunZhang,ZiangChen and ShunminZhu.
Please note that FULLNAT and SYNPROXY are experimental and has only had limited testing.
1. LVS Kernel
1.1 get kernel rpm from redhat
wget ftp://ftp.redhat.com/pub/redhat/linux/enterprise/6Server/en/os/SRPMS/kernel-2.6.32-220.23.1.el6.src.rpm
1.2 get kernel source code from rpm
vim ~/.rpmmacros; add: %_topdir /home/pukong/rpms %_tmppath /home/pukong/rpms/tmp %_sourcedir /home/pukong/rpms/SOURCES %_specdir /home/pukong/rpms/SPECS %_srcrpmdir /home/pukong/rpms/SRPMS %_rpmdir /home/pukong/rpms/RPMS %_builddir /home/pukong/rpms/BUILD cd /home/pukong; mkdir rpms; mkdir rpms/tmp; mkdir rpms/SOURCES; mkdir rpms/SPECS; mkdir rpms/SRPMS; mkdir rpms/RPMS; mkdir rpms/BUILD; rpm -ivh kernel-2.6.32-220.23.1.el6.src.rpm; cd /home/pukong/rpms/SPECS; rpmbuild -bp kernel.spec;
then you can find kernel source code in /home/pukong/rpms/BUILD.
1.3 add lvs patch
cd /home/pukong/rpms/BUILD/; cd kernel-2.6.32-220.23.1.el6/linux-2.6.32-220.23.1.el6.x86_64/; cp lvs-2.6.32-220.23.1.el6.patch ./; patch -p1<lvs-2.6.32-220.23.1.el6.patch;
Or you can directly get source code from linux-2.6.32-220.23.1.el6.x86_64.lvs.src.tar.gz;
1.4 compile and install
make -j16; make modules_install; make install;
2. RealServer Kernel (TOA)
2.1 get kernel source code, the same as step 1.1 and 1.2;
2.2 add toa patch
cd /home/pukong/rpms/BUILD/; cd kernel-2.6.32-220.23.1.el6/linux-2.6.32-220.23.1.el6.x86_64/; cp toa-2.6.32-220.23.1.el6.patch ./; patch -p1<toa-2.6.32-220.23.1.el6.patch;
Or you can get source code directly from linux-2.6.32-220.23.1.el6.x86_64.rs.src.tar.gz;
2.3 compile and install
make -j16; make modules_install; make install;
3. LVS Tools (keepalived/ipvsadm/quaage)
cd /home/pukong; cp lvs-tools.tar.bz2 ./; tar xzf lvs-tools.tar.bz2; cd tools;
3.1 keepalived install
cd keepalived; ./configure --with-kernel-dir="/lib/modules/`uname -r`/build"; make; make install;
3.2 ipvsadm install
cd ipvsadm; make; make install;
3.3 quaage install
cd quagga; ./configure --disable-ripd --disable-ripngd --disable-bgpd --disable-watchquagga --disable-doc --enable-user=root --enable-vty-group=root --enable-group=root --enable-zebra --localstatedir=/var/run/quagga
make; make install;